Teleconference Service


For Routing
Forwarding for All Searches **21*05428586020#
Forwarding for cases where you cannot be reached **62*05428586020#
Redirection for situations where you cannot answer **61*05428586020#
Forwarding when your phone is busy **67*05428586020#
after dialing, press the call button (YES).
For Cancellation
Cancel forwarding for all calls ##21#
When you cannot answer ##61#
In cases where you cannot be reached ##62#
When your phone is busy ##67#
after dialing, press the call button (YES).

You can also cancel the forwarding by entering the forwarding section from your phone's menu.

Principles and Other Frequently Asked Questions


Only the subscriber making the call is charged.


It allows you to talk to 5 people at the same time from your mobile phone. Each person participating in the teleconference can add 5 more people to the call.